Wednesday 28 May 2014

Creation of Universe.

Creation is explained in our scriptures as a transformation and not a new phenomenon. Let us view their interpretation.

This is well explained in Brahadaranyaka Upanishad, as pot clay analysis(गट भाष्यं). 
Before the emergence of pot from clay, did pot exist in clay or not?
Does the existent pot come out of clay or the nonexistent pot come out of clay? Both are not possible as existent pot can not come out as it exists already and non-existent pot can not come out as it is non-existent and it is illogical.
Hence pot is already existing in clay in an un-manifest form like butter in milk, tree in a seed. Pot is not created out of clay. The word creation is a mis-nomer. This is well explained in Mandukya Karika Chapter 4, " nothing can be created, there is no creation".
It is only a transformation of un-manifest to manifest, this is wrongly called as creation. Similarly destruction is also transformation manifest to un-manifest. 
For anything to be created in this universe, you need two things, intelligent cause & material cause. In case of pottery, potter is intelligent cause & clay is material cause. In exceptional cases, these two causes are one & the same like the spider spinning a web of his own by means of its own spit. It does not seek raw material for web from any where else. Similarly Brahman is the intelligent & material cause of this universe like a seed from which a tree comes, but it is not visible in the seed. Hence before the universe was created(transformed), it was already existing in Brahman in a potential form. There is no creation at all.
(Based on lecture by Swami Paramarthananda on the 2nd verse of Dakshinamurthy Stotram)