Monday 23 February 2009

Intutive Power!!

Yesterday night I heard a lecture by Sri Sri in a knowledge session. One of the points he made was that human beings are blessed with Intuitive power which we don't nurture. Nurturing involves keeping the mind calm without any agitation. This call for following the entire good qualities one can follow in life Viz, Love, Compassion, Seva, Satyam, Ahimsa, avoiding anger, jealousy, desire etc.

Many a time in life we are faced with situations where we are unable to take a decision based on the information on hand since we are not sure whether our decision is right or wrong at that time. So we get confused whether to do or not to do, how, when, why etc. Intuitive power comes very handy at such situations. If you are able to keep your mind calm, one will be able to decide what is wrong & right, which makes it easier to arrive at a decision. This is one of the reasons common man goes to his Guruji seeking his advice on important decisions. They make use of Guruji's intuitive power for their welfare; of course many people do go even for a sneeze.

When I heard of this I was reminded of an anecdote, which came as a forward to me through mail which goes as follows:

An NRI couple from US used to visit India every year looking for a suitable bridegroom for their only daughter & they met Kanchi Periyaval every year. Seven years had passed, but the marriage was not getting through. So when they met Periyaval on the eighth year, Periyaval told them to go to a temple at Trichy as well to Tirupathi. They told him that they had been to Tirupathi seven times in the past seven years. Periyaval told them to go as the eighth time. As they were sitting at Sannidhi of Sri.Venkatesa Perumal at Tirupathi, they could not control their emotions, they were sobbing uncontrollably. One gentleman who was sitting adjacent to them advised them not to cry in front of Lord & take control of themselves. Subsequently on enquiry he learnt about their misery in life. He had a son working in US, for whom he was looking for a suitable alliance, so they checked all formalities & the marriage was settled. This goes to prove the Intuitive power of Great people to assess situation well in advance & advise accordingly. You might have heard many such incidents in life.

So as a common man we may not be able to become great sages with excellent power of Intuition. But one can always follow good qualities in life to develop & nurture the same. The capacity of one's Intuitiveness is directly proportional to the quantum of good habits one follows. The intuitive power is a great asset in one's life.

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