Saturday 4 April 2015

Wednesday 28 May 2014

Creation of Universe.

Creation is explained in our scriptures as a transformation and not a new phenomenon. Let us view their interpretation.

This is well explained in Brahadaranyaka Upanishad, as pot clay analysis(गट भाष्यं). 
Before the emergence of pot from clay, did pot exist in clay or not?
Does the existent pot come out of clay or the nonexistent pot come out of clay? Both are not possible as existent pot can not come out as it exists already and non-existent pot can not come out as it is non-existent and it is illogical.
Hence pot is already existing in clay in an un-manifest form like butter in milk, tree in a seed. Pot is not created out of clay. The word creation is a mis-nomer. This is well explained in Mandukya Karika Chapter 4, " nothing can be created, there is no creation".
It is only a transformation of un-manifest to manifest, this is wrongly called as creation. Similarly destruction is also transformation manifest to un-manifest. 
For anything to be created in this universe, you need two things, intelligent cause & material cause. In case of pottery, potter is intelligent cause & clay is material cause. In exceptional cases, these two causes are one & the same like the spider spinning a web of his own by means of its own spit. It does not seek raw material for web from any where else. Similarly Brahman is the intelligent & material cause of this universe like a seed from which a tree comes, but it is not visible in the seed. Hence before the universe was created(transformed), it was already existing in Brahman in a potential form. There is no creation at all.
(Based on lecture by Swami Paramarthananda on the 2nd verse of Dakshinamurthy Stotram)

Sunday 20 April 2014


Why do we worry?

We worry because we have a doubt that things may not happen as per our expectations. This phenomenon is basically due to the lack of self confidence in our abilities to achieve the goal as well as lack of confidence in others too. Actually things will happen as usual without any problem, but our mental state renders us in a state to worry, which is a self made problem. For example some one very close to us has not returned home in time, we start worrying, the real reason may be he is stuck up in traffic, but we start imagining things. 

How to overcome this problem?

Ignore the negative thoughts. 

Confidence levels should be increased by developing self belief & believing others. 

Monday 7 April 2014

Fulfilling desires will never lead to Poornatvam.

We want to be happy in life. To be happy we feel that we fulfill all our worldly desires such as completing school, Getting admission in good college, getting a job, amassing wealth, getting married, begetting children, seeing the world, getting admission to children in good school, cycle continues, it will never end. Growth of desire is exponential, it will never subside. So thinking that fulfilling all our worldly desires will render us complete is a wrong concept. You will remain only finite; never become infinite which is a state of complete Ananda, total bliss.

Not only your desires grow at a pace beyond control, it has six byproducts, viz, Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Madha& Matsarya, which will delude your mind so that all your decisions will be wrong one.
The onslaught of desire is well explained in the following verse from Vairagya Satakam, written by the great Hindu philosopher Bhatrihari containing 100 verses:

The desire of people is like a river which is flowing continuously. It is like fancy, very silent at the initial stage. At times they are like turbulent rivers with waves of craving. Desires are grasped & become an attachment. Like birds flying over the river on & off, doubts come in the mind whether I can do it or not. Desires bring along diffidence along with that after years of failure, leading to fatalistic attitude. Desires bring in whirl pool of delusion. More desires mean more delusion, discriminating power is clouded. When the desire is very deep, it is not possible to cross the river of desire. There are two high banks of the river of desire, such as worry & pain. Viragis, who have Vairagyam with pure mind revel in that state & cross the river of desires. 

Saturday 5 April 2014

Don't be feverish!

We know very well that being feverish does not give you happiness at all!

So what is this feverishness?

Generally this happens when a special activity such as a marriage, change of place, transfer etc for which you have to prepare a lot, is likely to take place. 

At that time your mind is in a state of restlessness & you want to complete everything well in advance although there is a lot of time left. It is not only about planning of the future event, but mind wants to keep everything ready. 

This is basically due to lack of confidence in oneself about the ability to complete the event in a good manner. There is a doubt in mind about one's capability & hence the feverishness. So to overcome that weakness the mind is urging you keep prepared well ahead of the function. Such people remain in so called feverish state. 

The only way to overcome this defect is to have this awareness that you are undergoing feverishness. Once you are aware, tell your mind to calm down & tell yourself that things will fall in place. This is to assure your mind about the completion of the event in a manner to your entire satidfaction.

Friday 4 April 2014

अन्तरमुखी सदा सुखी

It is well known that one who looks inwards will always be happy.

Why is it so?

That happiness we are talking about is not just happiness, but it is ever lasting bliss, there can not be anything better than this, which is ultimate. 

This bliss is associated with owning up that Brahman, which is nothing but you. But this Brahman can not be objectified as something as Brahman is beyond human perception with sense organs. 

So when we look outwards we are getting diverted with the external worldly things & it is in the wrong direction. 

When we look inwards, your mind is not diverted, you are focusing on Brahman. This is the only way to achieve the goal.

Where are you running?

Oh ! Man ! Where are you running? 
In search of wealth to enjoy the sense objects of the universe, 
Oh, Man! you are cheated since your desires will never subside,
One desire will lead to another, you will feel incomplete,
Incompleteness will lead to incompleteness,
You will remain infinite, never become finite,
Infinite nature will only render misery in life.
If you need happiness, get hold of something permanent & finite,
This is nothing but Brahman, 
Oh! Man ! Please realize this,
Try to own up Brahman, which is none other than you,
You are unable to realize this as you are ignorant,
Your mind is deluded with worldly thoughts & pleasures,
Purify your mind in the midst of Satsanghis,
Once your mind is pure, you will realize Brahman in a split second,
Like getting on to the horse & putting your leg on the other side,
Then you will remain in Bliss for ever !
Oh ! Man ! enough of running ! stop it now, this moment!
Look for Satsanghis for knowledge!