Saturday, 5 April 2014

Don't be feverish!

We know very well that being feverish does not give you happiness at all!

So what is this feverishness?

Generally this happens when a special activity such as a marriage, change of place, transfer etc for which you have to prepare a lot, is likely to take place. 

At that time your mind is in a state of restlessness & you want to complete everything well in advance although there is a lot of time left. It is not only about planning of the future event, but mind wants to keep everything ready. 

This is basically due to lack of confidence in oneself about the ability to complete the event in a good manner. There is a doubt in mind about one's capability & hence the feverishness. So to overcome that weakness the mind is urging you keep prepared well ahead of the function. Such people remain in so called feverish state. 

The only way to overcome this defect is to have this awareness that you are undergoing feverishness. Once you are aware, tell your mind to calm down & tell yourself that things will fall in place. This is to assure your mind about the completion of the event in a manner to your entire satidfaction.

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