Tuesday 18 March 2008

The Mush Affair

Mush affair!We all always worry about what others will think of us, if I do this or that, but the reality is that no body is bothered about what you do, They have no time to think about themselves, where is the question of noticing what you are after as long your action do not affect them.I will narrate an incident which happened recently to drive my view.I have been sporting a moustache for more than 20-25 years. I have been longing to remove the moustache for a long time, but I was wondering what others would think of me if I remove the moustache, it will look odd. What will I answer if they ask as to why I removed my moustache etc. Such thoughts were preventing me from shaving my moustache.On two or three occasions, I gathered my courage to shave off, but finally I could not pull it through as I was more worried as to what others would think or what I will answer.Once I had a holiday for 5 days continuous for Ramadan , I thought I would shave my moustache on the evening of the day prior to commencement of holidays, so that by the time I go to my office after 5 days, my moustache would have grown , no body would know I had shaved off my moustache. But alas! Even this time I could not succeed due to my thinking some body would notice me in the mall or in public, so I missed that opportunity too.Finally, one day my wife was returning from home country after a short visit to our native place. I wanted to pose a different look to her, so I decided that I would remove my moustache, which is easy to do. So on the evening of her return, unmindful of what others would think of me without moustache, I shaved off my moustache to receive my wife with a flower bouquet etc.On that day flight was delayed, she came out at 0300AM with sleepy eyes, I gave her the flowers & welcomed her. She smiled & did not utter single word about my missing moustache until we reached home & asked her whether she noticed any change in my face, she said, “yeah, you are minus your moustache”.Next day I went to office with my hand over my upper lip, trying to avoid any body seeing me, of course I could not hold it on for ever. But to my great surprise, nobody’s body language even hinted that they observed my facial change, it was normal as usual. It was my misconception what others would think. So the moral of story is ‘do as you please as long it does not disturb others, don’t worry what others would think’.The climax of the event is, when I asked my wife next day whether I should continue shaving my moustache, she said “I like you only with your Moustache”.So I am restoring Moustache to please my better half!!

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