Monday 22 September 2008

Baghavat Gita

Baghavat Gita

Gita teaches all of us the way of working.

I have recently heard a few lectures on Gita & understood the real meaning of the centre theme, which I would like to share with one & all.

The theme of Gita is as follows:

1. Do your work, as you have been destined for:

All of us are provided with some work, depending on our qualification, ability, luck etc. So we should do our work sincerely, with 100% devotion, however menial, as considered by society ie, sweeping the roads, cleaning toilets etc.

2. Do your work without any attachment:

When you do your work in the office, don't get attached to the work you perform, forget the office affairs after office hours since attachment will lead you to misery, if your work is not giving you the expected result. For example, you are working in a tender in your office, in case, if your company do not get the job you will feel very sad as you were very much involved in preparation of the tender. If you are not attached with office work, the loss or gain in the office affairs will have no effect on you, which will have a great effect on your mental health.

3. Do your work without expecting any fruit:

The result of your work is not at all your concern as long as you follow the set procedures. Do not expect any desired results from your work since the results may or may not be to your liking.

A person was devoted to helping lepers to rehabilitate them in their lives. He was in his death bed & he was lamenting that the people, whom he had helped to come out of leprosy are not helping the lepers & there are many lepers still left in the world. So his expectation from the personnel to whom he had helped has brought him only misery instead of feeling happy over the fact he had rehabilitated so many lepers.

4. Do your work realizing that you are not doing the work, HE does the work:

This is the most important aspect of Gita. When ever we do any work, we think that we do the work, which is not the reality. GOD does everything for us, we are only an instrument in HIS hands. This thinking has to be inculcated in our minds, which will make us very humble, our ego will dry up fast. Arjuna realises this after Lord Krishna disappears after his work is over in the Earth. When Arjuna departs, Lord Krishna hands over to him few ladies to be accompanied during his journey. On the way Arjuna meets some warriors who try to steal the ladies from Arjuna. He is unable to lift Kandeevam & fight against the opponents. Somehow he escapes & returns to Hasthinapura & informs Yudhishtira about the incident. He then narrates that it was all because of Lord Krishna who was guiding him, he was able to fight & win the war, now that He has disappeared, and he is not even able to lift his bow. This incident very clearly indicates the above statement.

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