Wednesday 11 March 2009


Apoornathvam means incomplete, which leads to desire in vedantic format. Why do we desire at all, we desire because we lack something, we lack, money, education, fame, power, wife, children, marriage of daughter, job for son, grand children etc. These are all finite things, so man being a finite entity collects finite materials such as above forgetting the fact,
Finite + finite = finite.
But he wants infinity (Poornathvam), which is the ultimate happiness.
We think that by getting all these we will be complete ie Poornathvam, which will give ultimate everlasting pleasure in life, which is the greatest fallacy man commits in the world. There is only one Poornathvam in the Cosmos ie GOD. If man realises GOD, he will have the everlasting bliss for rest of life, without any rebirth.
This is well explained in the Shanti Mantra of Isa Upanishad,
poorNamada: poorNamidam
poorNaat poorNamudacyate I
poorNasya poorNamaadaaya
poorNameva avaSishyate II

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