Monday 4 May 2009


One who is following spirituality subject needs to follow these guide lines:

1. As long we attribute the reasons for all our troubles & problems on other persons, situations etc, we do not follow spirituality at all. To over come this, we try to adjust the external world ie, persons etc, which is not recommended by Vedanta.
2. For all the troubles & difficulties we undergo, we reason that we are responsible for the same. This indicates that we are practicing spirituality. We realise that others can not be the cause of our sorrow. As we are unable to understand others & cope with the situation, we are subject to difficulties. Then we try to adjust ourselves to suit the environment.
3. When we appreciate that neither others&situations, nor ourselves are the cause of our misery, we are spiritual.

(Based on the lecture by Swami Guruparananda on Spirituality)

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