Tuesday 1 April 2014


Universe consists of material & spirit. What we see & feel by our five senses is material, what we don’t see with our five senses is spirit, which is beyond time & space. Our body is a part of universe, so it also consists of material & spirit. Material body is mortal, whereas the spiritual body is immortal. If one realizes this fact & own up the spiritual body, by saying “Aham Brahmasmi”, then he has no birth & death after full conviction, it is not mere oral chanting. But this takes many births to attain this state, but every jeeva has to come this destination.
The foundation of this knowledge is faith. How does one get faith? Without faith one can never exist & progress in material & spiritual life. Let us deal with spiritual aspect.

Faith is in three forms, the first being the gross one, wherein one gets faith by experience of having achieved some material benefits by following someone. Such a person will have good faith in that person by whom he got the material benefits. The second one is from birth itself; it is a subtle one that he got it automatically. There is no reason as to how he got it; he got it just like that. He is a lucky guy since it is very difficult to get faith. Without faith one cannot progress in spiritual life. The other way of getting faith is by doing sadhanas & is in the company of spiritual personnel, one may be able to achieve this end. But it may be possible one may go without faith in this birth too. Better luck next time!

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